Monday, August 29, 2011

The Beggar and The Trader

Once upon a time, there lived a beggar who scours the streets of London to survive. J is the beggar's name. He isn't handicapped and is perfectly well-bodied. That beggar could've chosen to work at the nearest factory but he didn't. Instead, he opted to begging and pickpocketing. Alas, he was caught red-handed one day by the Royal Cavalry. J is conscripted to be a butler in the service of Duke of Phantomhive. His sentence will take place in a few more days. But something happened before his service started...

Just 2 steps. He faltered by two steps and it changed everything. His kneecap was shattered by a stray bullet. From where? From whose gun? Why?

There was a trader by the name of G. He was once a renowned middle man for drug dealing and weapon smuggling operations. But he claimed to have reformed and promised the townsfolk that he would only do honest business.

That unfortunate night, G was up to no good as usual. His shop usually closes around 10 o'clock. But still, he loitered around till the late hours. Another empty promise, it seems. One hour or so passed by and the Russian mob leader came to the rendezvous point. While they were deep in conversation, J happened to pass by the alley where the secret meeting is being held. He gasped in shock at the sight of G passing a new model of Colt to the mob leader. The Russian spared no second thoughts and shot at J.

Luckily, J escaped with just a shattered kneecap. He managed to hold on to his life till he began his service in the residence of Phantomhive. Although J is handicapped, all the other butlers still treated him as an equal. He spent his remaining days as a faithful butler in service of the noble family. 

Is the beggar at fault for passing by that alley that night? Is it wrong for him to be a beggar? 

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